Answer the question correctly and get LiL-T!
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- 0کل سیکھنے والے
- 0کل سیشنز
- Oct 12, 2012کے بعد سے فعال
- Westlake, OH, United Statesمقام
کے بارے میں Jan Litterst
18 years Financial Services Professional including completion of Certified Financial Planner curriculum. My mission is to help people with their money in a way that financial professionals normally do not do. Just completed a workbook for those wanting to have a happier relationship with money--MONEY, MASLOW, and a little bit of METAPHYSICS!
تجربہ اور امتیازات
Series 7, 63, 65 license as well as insurance licensed
20 years in federal, state, and local government as well as 18 year sin Bank Management and Financial Planning
Jan Litterst's کلاسز (0)
Jan ابھی تک کوئی کلاسز نہیں بنائی ہیں! دوسروں کو تلاش کریں۔
کلاس دریافت کریں۔
لنک کاپی ہو گیا۔
اس صفحہ کا ایک لنک آپ کے کلپ بورڈ پر کاپی کر دیا گیا ہے!